
Blog tagged as career

Attracting Multigenerational Workforce

22.04.2021 01:50 PM By Aliya - Comment(s)
Attracting Multigenerational Workforce

LinkedIn’s Global Talent Trends 2020 report identifies multigenerational workforce as one of the main factors that will shape future talent acquisition. Furthermore, 89% of talent professionals surveyed by LinkedIn points out that multigenerational workforce forms successful companies.

As easy as it ...

What do you know about new-collar jobs?

22.04.2021 01:49 PM By Aliya - Comment(s)
What do you know about new-collar jobs?

The term ‘new-collar’ originated from former International Business Machines (IBM) CEO, Ginni Rometty, back in November 2016. She perceived that the word ‘new’ addresses the need of Information Technology skills. IBM initially led the movement for new-collar technology jobs which soon after many oth...