
Blog tagged as salary

Pay cut to work remotely, is it necessary?

28.10.2021 12:24 PM By Aliya - Comment(s)
Pay cut to work remotely, is it necessary?

What's your take on taking a pay cut to work remotely? Is it acceptable to be paid less as you aren't physically present at the office or should you be paid equally? This matter will most likely become a reoccurring issue especially amongst remote employees.


Asking for a Raise You Deserve!

31.08.2021 11:04 PM By Aliya - Comment(s)
Asking for a Raise You Deserve!

Quick question, why do you think it's hard to negotiate salary? Is it really that sensitive to discuss this matter with your superiors and bosses at work? Will you appear as being pushy for asking for more?


Dwelling on this will only hinder you from the pay you deserve. Come on, you have been e...